Astrology Birth Chart Read **Recorded/Jackie Will Coordinate a Time

from $149.95

Astrology Birth Chart Readings

Astrology Birth Chart Readings is a helpful tool in understanding our whole self! Astrology Birth Chart Readings have been started in the Eastern world and have found it’s way to become very popular in the Western world with various forms of astrology practices. Astrology Birth Chart Readings have been helpful in understanding the 12 Zodiac signs, houses, planets, numerology, and where that all lands in your chart. Astrology Birth Chart Readings are a helpful tool to understand our mind, emotions, energy, groundedness, self care, and more! So let’s explore what type of astrology birth chart reading may be best for you!

If you are seeking clarity from an astrology birth chart reading, you’ve come to the right place!

Types of Astrology Birth Chart Readings

Natal Birth Chart Reading - 50-90 Minutes
If you’ve never done a birth chart reading before, this is where we start first! In our time together, I go through your birth chart reading with you to understand the significant zodiac signs, houses, and placements, and go over meanings for you.

Shameless VIP Astrology Secrets Birth Chart Reading - 120 Minutes
If you’ve never done a birth chart reading before, this is the deep dive option! It is similar to the natal chart, however, this is more extensive where we go through ALL the planets, signs, numerology, and harmonious and hard placements in your chart, and how to work with these energies. We will talk about themes of your birth chart and the most important life lessons based on these areas. We discuss your destiny, key themes, past lives, chart ruler, and significant aspects you need to know! ***You will also receive a 15-20 page word document of your natal birth chart that you can keep. This is for those who really want to learn, understand, and dive deep into the secrets of their astrology birth chart reading.

Questions/Topics To Ask Me About In An Astrology Birth Chart Reading
What is my destiny? What are my soul gifts? What themes show up in my birth chart? What are my hard placements? What are my easy placements? What was my past life? What do I need to work on for shadow work? What do I need to know about money? What do I need to know about career? What do I need to know about my secret gifts and abilities?

How Can An Astrology Birth Chart Reading Help Me?

Astrology, like anything else, is a tool to understand how you show up in this world mentally, emotionally, financially, sexually, relationally, and more! What’s fun about astrology birth chart readings is, that people may be ignoring their intuition, path, and what they are destined for in this lifetime, and really is a tool to understand why things or people are the way they are. The feedback I’ve gotten when I’ve done birth chart readings is that people couldn’t believe how much they actually connected to and resonated with this birth chart reading. They loved hearing someone validate and know what was happening in their relationships, sex, parenting dynamics, money, work, and key themes of their life, that they’ve been experiencing overall. If you’re seeking answers, feeling stuck, and want to know more, then book your astrology birth chart reading today!

What Else Do I Need To Know About Astrology Birth Chart Readings?

Honestly, it’s NOT just about your sun sign!! You are multifaceted and your birth chart will tell you things about your life that will make your jaw drop!! So let’s talk Astrology! Be it for understanding your birth chart reading, sun, moon, rising, all the planet placements, sex, intuitive gifts, money, or more, astrology is a tool that can help with overall wellness!

I will need your first & last name, birthday, time of birth, city, and place of birth. I use the 12-house tropical system chart because it’s what my brain understands and connects with best :)

I will send you a chart read via email within 1-week of the time you purchased your reading. If I am getting super booked with readings, I ask that you please be patient with me, I am working on your chart reading ASAP!!

***Please note: If any information you have provided me is incorrect, this will change your birth chart reading and it will not be as accurate as you hoped. Make sure to give me all the correct details above in bold when booking your astrology birth chart reading.

Astrology Birth Chart Read:
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