What are sexual dysfunction causes?

Hi There! Sex therapist Jackie here spilling the tea for you boo! I totally get you’re looking to understand sexual dysfunction disorders and don’t know where to turn! Perhaps you’ve reached out to a sexual health clinic, your doctor, or Sex Therapist in Minneapolis, and still need a review. I got you boo! Let’s start with a short list…

  1. Genetics can be a sexual dysfunction cause since they are a part of sexual dysfunction causes, thank your parents, folks!

    2. Medical conditions such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc. can be related to sexual dysfunction causes.

3. Interpersonal factors like a stressful job, home environment, and responsibilities, can be sexual dysfunction causes as well.

4. Psychological symptoms like depression and/or anxiety run in parents and can cause sexual dysfunction as well.

5. Substances are definitely a sexual dysfunction cause, they don’t call it whiskey dick or clit for nothing! Medications also fall under this category too.


What Else Do I Need To Know About Sexual Dysfunction Causes?

Let’s get into the laundry list of explanations for sexual dysfunction causes! Sex Therapists in Minneapolis, MN will take into consideration a number of things. Sexual functioning depends on various factors, genetics, medical, interpersonal, substance use, mental health, and more! Let me break this down step by step explaining a little bit about each sexual dysfunction causes.

Genetics, are a part of sexual dysfunction causes, thank your parents, folks! If you have a loved one in the family who has experienced low desire or been diagnosed with a sexual dysfunction disorder, chances are there could be something medical that influences libido. Here is when we need to ask those questions as sex therapists, what do you know about your family's genetics, medical, and mental health history?

Medical conditions are also a part of sexual dysfunction causes, such as Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Chronic Pain, and others, which can impact sexual libido and medications as well. That's where we need to understand types of medication, an example might be birth control, and whether or not there are side effect symptoms of causing pelvic pain, low energy, fatigue, anxiety, sleep troubles, or depression. This helps Sex Therapists in Minneapolis weed out what may be the root cause.

Sexual dysfunction causes can also be related to psychological symptoms like, depression and/or anxiety runs in parents, this can influence the potential of a lower thyroid, meaning fewer hormones are produced and there more than likely is a lower want for sex and sexual desire may be low. Physical health influences mental health and this also influences sexual health. All three areas of health influence each other, whether we realize it or not. Psychological stress, lifecycle transitions, and/or mental health diagnoses definitely influence one’s sexual libido and can be considered to be a cause of sexual dysfunction.

Interpersonal factors, this one may be overlooked as a sexual dysfunction cause. Think about has this person explored their sexuality overall. An example of this might be you meet with a person who comes in for therapy reporting they've never enjoyed sex, have no desire, don't like to be touched, and do this for their partner(s). Maybe there's not a sexual arousal disorder, maybe they are Asexual: having a lack of sexual attraction towards others, there is low or no desire for sexual activity, and this is different than Celbiacy because Celbiacy is chosen, it is a choice. Asexuality is not, that's the person's sexual orientation and that's okay. Sex Therapists in Minneapolis do well to distinguish the difference between the two with assessments. Other interpersonal factors that we glance over for sexual dysfunction causes might be stressful jobs, having children at home where there's no time for sex, perhaps marital or relational problems, communication about sex being low to none, burnout, and many more.

Substances are definitely a sexual dysfunction cause, they don’t call it whiskey dick or clit for nothing! When we increase the use of substances, such as alcohol, prescription medications, caffeine, or anything else, this can influence sexual dysfunction symptoms. This could reduce arousal or overall desire. SSRI’s can also influence and reduce sexual libido after taking any sort of SSRI medication for over 6 months. If that is you, I encourage you to talk to your doctor today.

How Can Sex Therapy Near Me Help With My Sexual Dysfunction?

Sex therapy in Minneapolis or online sex therapy can help in so many ways! Sex therapists are trained to clinically assess and diagnose sexual dysfunction. Sex therapists can help use various sex therapy exercises and tools for individuals and couples depending on what sexual dysfunction you may be getting treated by that sex therapist. There is no shame in the sex therapy game! Seeking out sex therapy for the first time doesn’t have to be scary, rather a fun, and rewarding experience! If you’ve been experiencing some form of sexual dysfunction, a sex therapist is going to be a trustworthy, kind, and caring person you can talk to this about. If you experience any shame with seeing a sex therapist, by shopping for sex therapy near me, reaching out to a sex therapist through emailing, or booking a sex therapy consultation, that is the first step to help reduce and eliminate any social stigma or shame with sex! Give yourself a pat on the back, you’re doing better than you know!

How Common Is This In Sex Therapy?

Typically, what I see is sexual dysfunction symptoms are more related to mental health than anything else. Fun Fact: 30% of sexual dysfunction disorders are genetic or biological and 70% are mental health related. Spooked your ass, didn’t I! Sometimes we won't shut our brains off, let go of responsibilities, get away from work, and put sex back on the agenda. When we do, there could be sexual dysfunction caused by performance anxiety, worrying about how you are going to please your partner(s), if all sexual wants and needs are going to be met, and others. This just shows there are several sexual problems and solutions regarding sexual dysfunction symptoms.

I hope this helped you understand a little more about what causes sexual dysfunction. These symptoms are ones I assess for in my Sex Therapy work in Minneapolis. As a Counselor in Minneapolis, it is my priority to assess and help clients understand what sexual dysfunction symptoms arise in their bodies or minds. If you know someone who is seeking Sex Therapy in Minneapolis, or sexual wellness coaching, and you found this information helpful, please pass this along to them if we are a fab fit in therapy!

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