LGBTQIA+ & Gender Affirming Care

You don’t feel like yourself anymore. You know things have changed with your body, identity, mind, and how you feel when you wake up every morning. You feel different than your peers, family members, and friends. Some things feel like they don’t align and you worry about this all the time.

You constantly think about your gender and sexual orientation.

You have tried to speak up to loved ones about this but never sought out help. People have told you, “it’s just a phase,” “you’ll grow out of it,” “you don’t know what you’re talking about you’re too young,” or “this is a choice.” You are tired of being told you are wrong about who you are. You are sick of sexual stereotypes and people questioning you. You are heartbroken when you’re told you can’t use certain bathrooms and worry about feeling safe. You are dysphoric when people make comments about your gender expression or the types of clothing items you wear.

You wish people could just accept you.

People have questioned you, and give you multiple up-downs. Others have become invasive of your privacy and are flat-out disrespectful. You are scared to even talk about this because you don’t need another person like that in your life. You are stuck and you can’t do this alone and want to feel damn good about who you are!

LGBTQIA+ & Gender Affirming Care with the Right Therapist can help.

You want to feel comfortable in public and not wondering if people are looking at you. You want to walk out of the house every morning with your head held high, proud of who you are. You want to clap back at those jerks who invade your privacy to the point of them never coming around! You want to advocate for yourself and build a care team that is a safe space for you!

How I work!

I, Jackie (She/Her), work with fabulous LGBTQIA+, Trans, and Gender Expansive folks, to explore sexual orientation and incorporate gender-affirming care. My approach to our sessions is asking you what you need for that day, incorporating coping strategies to reduce anxiety, and figuring out what solutions work best for your care. We will work on sexuality and gender questionnaires, creating a team of allies, what to do when someone misgenders you, talk about names and pronouns, and learning how to confidently advocate for yourself time and time again. You’ve got strengths and we’re gonna use them!

How you know therapy is working…

My clients get excited talking to me about their favorite LGBTQIA+ inspirations, to use this in a way to grow confidence, and share this in a safe space. After a year in our work, people tell me I have a way of listening that hits the nail right on the head, admire my humor and that I have been able to help bring families together with life-changing conversations. Others have said they don't want to break up with me in therapy when our time is done because of the validation they receive! Together, we will sass it up, laugh, cry, and feel all the feels!

Ready to create time in a Safe Space for you?

If you are ready to work like Brittney, rock the stage like Beyoncé, or strut your stuff into my virtual office like RuPaul or JVN, then give me a call to set up a free 15-minute consultation today! Feel free to call 507-571-2942 or hit the link below to schedule a consultation online today.

If you are looking for help with Sex Therapy, Couples Therapy, Anxiety, Self Worth & LGBTQIA+ & Gender Affirming Care, you can read more about how I can help here. If you are a therapist and seeking consultation services, I can help here too! Book a free 15-minute consultation and let’s get you started on your Shameless Goals!